Current Solar Weather Conditions


Kp Index


Power (GW)


Solar Wind







Kp Index: 2.33
Hemispheric Power: 34 GW
Solar Wind: 306.2 km/sec
Density: 6 P/cm3
Bz: -4.1 nT
Bt: 6.1 nT

Never miss a northern lights show again!

Tired of missing NOAA SWPC email alerts because your phone was on silent or you slept through the notification in the middle of the night? The Aurora Notifier will call you using your predetermined alert configuration of solar weather data and you can add its number to your “favorites” in your contact list so it will always ring and wake you up!

How it works

  • We aggregate data from real-time space weather sources, including the new DSCOVR
  • Every minute, our system checks data levels against user subscription options
  • If all parameters have been met you’ll receive a phone call with current conditions
  • Depending on your package level some users can configure additional data options
  • Currently, only one phone call per day will be issued to eliminate calls every minute

$1.99per month/USD


  • Kp Index Monitoring
  • GW Power monitoring
  • Buy Now

$3.99per month/USD


  • Kp Index monitoring
  • GW Power monitoring
  • Solar Wind monitoring
  • Density monitoring
  • Bz monitoring
  • Bt monitoring
  • Buy Now

Northern Lights Alerts – Account Configuration

Because you’re able to setup your northern lights alert preferences custom to your geographic location, you have a better chance of being alerted when conditions are right for you! Setup a start and end time each day to monitor (unless you want to be called in the middle of the afternoon) as well as your timezone to ensure your formula is dialed in. Then, depending on how strong of aurora conditions your location requires, you can set thresholds for Kp index, Hemispheric Power (GW), Solard Wind Speed, Density, Bz and Bt. Once all of these conditions have been met (you don’t have to select all if you don’t want) then you will receive your daily aurora notification phone call! For a better user experience, add the phone number to your “Favorites” list so that it will ring even if you put your phone on silent each night.

Aurora Notifier Worldwide Usage

Currently being used in the following highlighted countries